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Eneplus performs an energy management service that represents the process of managing the energy performance of a municipality, company or specific facility, and includes an analysis of the current state, the process of procurement and energy production until its final use.

System power management is ensuring continuous care about the efficiency of energy and water consumption, and hence concerns about the environment.

Only technical measures without the establishment of energy management are not sufficient to achieve the estimated savings. Energy efficiency or energy improvements are a combination of technology-related and human-factor measures.

Establishing and introducing an energy management system also involves the implementation of education activities and raising awareness of users on the importance of rational use of energy. Such activities provide long-term continuity and effectiveness of energy efficiency programs.

The energy management cycle according to the ISO 50001 standard implies the implementation of the following activities:

  • Defining the company's energy policy in accordance with its activities and energy saving needs

  • Energy planning that involves the development of an action plan for energy savings (based on the previous energy audit)

  • Implementing an energy saving plan through examined and approved projects

  • Control of the realization of the energy saving plan

  • Monitoring the effect of the implemented measures

  • Application of corrective measures in relation to nonconformities and deviations from the plans

  • Conducting internal audits that verify that the energy management system is well established and in place

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