Infrared thermography is a method of contactless temperature measurement and its distribution on the surface of the observed object. The application of thermography in the building provides great possibilities for controlling the quality of works in new buildings, as well as assessing the current state of the older buildings. In addition to providing an insight into the state of the object in terms of thermal insulation of the building, infrared thermography can be successfully applied to assess the condition of the building envelope:
detection of different types of errors (defects and damage)
the detection of the separation of the mortar from the surface and the possible presence of air or moisture into the layers below the outer plasters, and for evaluation of flat roofs
detection of the location of the separation of the roofing board from the substrate, inspection of electrical and HVAC installations, inspection of devices and equipment, etc …
The Blower Door measurement makes it possible to check the air-tightness of the building. It can prevent the formation of structural damage caused by the penetration of warm and humid air into the structure of the object through the joints. In addition, the level of comfort in the object is also eliminated by the removal of the draft and the entry of cold air. When reconstructing an existing facility, the air barrier, if it is planned in accordance with recognized standards, can meet applicable standards for a low-energy facility or passive house.
Checking the conditions of comfort in buildings (temperature, CO2, humidity, lighting ...)